Report a problem

Illegal dumping

For urgent issues that pose a safety risk, call us immediately on 02 6670 2400, including after hours. This includes:

  • sewer blockages and overflows
  • serious water supply issues - leaks, no supply, poor quality, unable to turn meter on/off
  • dog attacks and roaming animals
  • road hazards - flooding or fallen tree / obstruction in dangerous location
  • pollution.

Report non-urgent problems online

Select a category below to report a problem online. You can also request a household bin replacement or repair.

Anonymous reporting

If you wish to report a problem anonymously (without providing your contact details), call us on 02 6670 2400.

All issues reported via our online form must include your name, email address and phone number. This allows us to investigate your request effectively and follow-up if we need further details.

Please avoid reporting something you heard from someone else, instead encourage the person to report it themselves.

Your personal information is stored securely and is only used for the purpose of actioning your request. Check out our privacy management plan and how to request access to any personal information that Council holds.

Keep it simple - avoid third party reporting apps

Our online mobile-friendly Report a problem form is the most efficient way to report a non-urgent issue.

Follow the prompts to enter relevant details and share the location and any photos before submitting. It usually takes no more than 3-5 minutes. You can also save your progress at any point if you need to come back to it later.

Other external reporting apps like Snap Send Solve involve double-handling on our end and take longer to process and action.

What happens after you report a problem

  1. An automatic response is sent to the email address you provided, which includes a copy of your report a problem submission.
  2. Our Customer Service team review the information provided and we may contact you to ask for additional details.
  3. We create a Customer Service Request (CSR) and send you a confirmation email with your CSR reference number - this will usually happen within 2 business days.
  4. The CSR is assigned to the relevant team in Council for investigating and/or actioning.
  5. To follow up on the progress of your request, call us on 02 6670 2400, quoting your CSR reference number.

Note: Some matters like offensive graffiti may be resolved within a few days, however others like compliance matters may take months or longer to investigate.

Report a problem or incident on the Northern Rivers Rail Trail or the Uki Mountain Bike Park.

Streetlights are maintained by Essential Energy - report any damage or faults via the Essential Energy website or for an emergency call 13 20 80.