Organisation and values
Our values Organisation structure Logo and Coat of Arms
About Tweed Shire Council
Tweed Shire Council was declared on 1 January 1947, following amalgamation of the municipality of Murwillumbah and Shire of Tweed.
With an annual budget of approximately $192 million, we are one of the largest employers in the Tweed. With a workforce of approximately 750 employees we deliver a wide range of programs and services.
Council provides more than 50 services to more than 94,000 residents who call the Tweed home. This includes planning and development, water and wastewater, major and minor works, waste management, natural resource management, community and cultural development, art galleries, recreational facilities, parks and reserves, cemeteries and public pools.
Council is guided by 7 Councillors elected by the community for a term of 4 years. The Mayor is elected by the Councillors in September each year for a 2 year term.
Council meetings and Public Forum sessions are held monthly.
View the ‘Roll of Freeman’ on the Councillors page to see those elected to serve in Local Government in the Tweed from 1902 (including Town/Shire Clerks and General Managers) to current day.
Tweed residents are kept informed by Council's free weekly newspaper the Tweed Link.
Council has offices in Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads. View our office locations and contact details.
Our values
Living and loving the Tweed.
We look after people and places, explore all opportunities and are proud of our passionate approach.
We care about each other, choose to be here, and are in this together.
We have conversations where everyone can contribute and we are willing to have a go.
We put back in to make a difference, so that our Tweed community is even better tomorrow than it is today.
The Tweed will be recognised for its desirable lifestyle, strong community, unique character and environment, and the opportunities its residents enjoy.
Working with community and partners, provide leadership in facilitating and delivering services that manage growth sustainably; create opportunity; and enhance the value of our civic and natural assets for this and future generations.
For more information on our Vision and Mission for the Tweed see our 10 year plan.
Organisation structure
Expand the boxes below to find out about the different areas of Council and our directors, or download Council's organisation structure(PDF, 54KB)
General Manager
Generally responsible for the efficient and effective operation of the Council's organisation and for ensuring the implementation, without undue delay, of decisions of the Council.
The General Manager is also responsible for the Executive Officer and Office of the General Manager.
The General Manager has the following particular functions:
- the day-to-day management of the Council
- to exercise such of the functions of the Council as are delegated by the Council to the General Manager
- to appoint staff in accordance with an organisation structure and resources approved by the Council
- to direct and dismiss staff
- to implement the Council's Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan.
The General Manager has such other functions as may be conferred or imposed on the General Manager by or under this or any other act.
Director Corporate Services
- Corporate Governance
- Destination, Communication and Customer Experience
- Financial Services
- Information Technology
- People and Culture
Director Engineering
- Environmental Scientists
- Infrastructure Delivery
- Property and Legal Services
- Roads and Stormwater
- Water and Wastewater - Business and Assets
- Water and Wastewater - Operations
Director Planning and Regulation
- Building and Environmental Health
- Development Assessment and Compliance
- Development Engineering and Land Development
- Strategic Planning and Urban Design
Director Sustainable Communities and Environment
- Community Care
- Inclusive and Creative Communities
- Parks and Active Communities
- Resource Recovery
- Sustainability and Environment
- Tweed Holiday Parks
Our logo and Coat of Arms
Tweed Shire Council logo

Tweed Shire Council's brand features a trademarked logo which references our rivers, forests and bushland, beaches, ocean and the iconic tip of Wollumbin / Mount Warning.
These combine to represent a sprouting bud, reflecting the growth in the region and the growth of Tweed Shire Council.
For permission to use Council's logo please contact us
We also have sub-brands that sit under our main Council brand:
Coat of Arms

At the top of our coat of arms shield is a heraldic helmet topped with the seed pod of the Diploglottis Campbellii (commonly known as the small-leaved tamarind) and a sprig of Blue Knob Orchid.
The shield is supported on each side by Albert Lyrebirds, which are indigenous to the Tweed.
The shield shows the sea, Captain James Cook's ship the Endeavour, and Wollumbin / Mount Warning, where the sun first touches the Australian mainland.
Below the shield is a ribbon bearing our motto... 'In pursuit of excellence'.