Tweed flood clean-up

Household items ruined from floodThe floods in February and March 2022 were the worst floods in the Tweed’s recorded history.

Council’s free flood kerbside clean-up operation took approximately 9 weeks and was completed in late April 2022.

More than 26,000 tonnes of flood waste was collected and delivered in the immediate aftermath of the floods to Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre.

Council also collected and removed approximately 75,000 tonnes of fill material such as mud and trees from clearing the Tweed’s roads. 

This equates to more than 3,500 truck movements. This fill was processed at a purpose-built temporary site at Eviron and the majority of materials will be reused.

More than 1,440 tonnes of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) was collected and disposed of at the Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre. Asbestos was accepted from the Tweed and regions across the Northern Rivers.

Tweed Shire Council, the NSW Government (NSW Public Works), Australian Defence Force (ADF), Rural Fire Service (RFS), and waste contractors partnered together for the large-scale clean-up operation. 

Cleaning up safely

Read about how to stay safe and healthy whilst cleaning up