Children and families, women and men
Children and families Women Men
Council is building a community that supports children and families and women and men’s health and wellbeing.
Find out about local support services, networks and advocacy:
Children and families
Council employs a Community Development Officer - Families and Youth, to advocate for the health, wellbeing and safety of children up to 12 years of age, and their families.
Many of Council's leased facilities support community based childcare centres, playgroups and children and family service organisations.
Contact Council's Community Development Team on 02 6670 2400 or email
Children and youth
Our Community Development Officer - Families and Youth is involved in the following groups to advocate for, and support, initiatives for children and families across the Tweed.
Communities for Children (C4C) Committee - YWCA NSW support for local early childhood initiatives. This project supports the health and early development needs of young children aged 0-12 years, supporting parents and building child-friendly communities.
Tweed Shire Child and Family Forum is an activity funded under the FaCHSIA Family Support Program and delivered through the YWCA C4C project. Providing professional development to support community services workers working with vulnerable, disadvantaged and Aboriginal families.
Baby clinics
There are 3 baby health care clinics in the Tweed:
Council employs a Project Officer - Community Development to advocate for the health and wellbeing of women across the Tweed.
Contact the Community Development Team on 02 6670 2400 or email
International Women's Day
International Women's Day Held each year on 8 March. It provides a chance to recognise the contributions of women here in the Tweed.
Women NSW
The NSW Government leads policy and strategy in the areas of gender equality, domestic and family violence and sexual assault through Women NSW.
See Women's Week grants
Breast Screening NSW - North Coast
Free breast screening (mammograms) are available for all women over the age of 40, with priority given to women aged 50 to 69 years.
The Tweed Heads Office is located at Tweed Heads Hospital. Call 13 20 50 for an appointment.
See Breast Screening NSW and Breast screening brochure(PDF, 1MB)
Promoting safe homes and healthy relationships
The Tweed Domestic Violence Integrated Response Committee (DVIRC) is a collaborative partnership between community and government agencies. Committed to addressing domestic and family violence, the committee focuses on regional coordination, community partnerships, strategic planning, funding opportunities, research, policy development, and project oversight.
Funding is provided by Family and Community Services NSW and Community Builders NSW.
Members include: Family Referral Service, Legal Aid NSW, Domestic Violence Court Advisory Service, Centrelink, Police, The Family Centre, Community Services NSW Community Builders NSW and Tweed Shire Council.
If you or someone you know is experiencing family domestic violence, “The Purple Book”is a valuable resource and includes a dedicated Tweed Shire Edition.
It provides essential information and support that may assist you to make some decisions about your situation, however it is always recommended that you seek assistance and support. A list of useful numbers and websites and where to find help is included at the back of the book.
Council employs a Project Officer - Community Development to advocate for the health and wellbeing of men across the Tweed.
Contact the Community Services Team on 02 6670 2400 or email
Men's Shed
Men’s sheds help to address social isolation and boost men’s mental health by providing:
- a safe place to meet
- a chance to share skills and knowledge
- a way to give back through community projects.
Murwillumbah Community Men's Shed
Call: Dave Kinneally 0422 947 758 or 02 6672 1442
5 Durroon Avenue, Bray Park
Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 am - 1 pm
Tweed Heads Community Men's Shed
Shed President: Paul Gothard - 0411 764 200
Secretary: Ken Alchin - 0421 998 949
4 Park Street, Tweed Heads
Hours: Monday to Thursday: 9 am to 12 pm
Pottsville and District Men's Shed
Black Rocks Sportsfield, Overall Drive, Pottsville
Hours: Tuesday to Thursday: 9 am to early afternoon

The Family Centre - Men and Family Relationships Service
The Family Centre helps men to manage relationship issues with partners, ex-partners and children. The Centre supports men to improve relationships by learning more about themselves and the needs of their families.
Contact The Family Centre on 07 5524 8711
Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre
Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre offers activities for men including a men's shed and second hand furniture store, community garden and barbecues. The Centre is located at 12a Elizabeth Street, Pottsville. Call 02 6676 4555.
MensLine Australia
Telephone and online support, information and a referral service, helping men to deal with relationship problems.
Contact MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.