Contact us
Our Customer Service team handle enquiries and requests from the public, we're here to help.

We're available by phone, live chat and email from Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm NSW time.
If you're deaf or find it hard hearing or speaking to people on the phone, the National Relay Service can help.
Need to update your contact details? Use our online forms to change your mailing address or email address.
Report a problem
For non-urgent and general requests, report the problem online at a time that suits you. You can save your progress at any time and return later.
To help us action your request quickly and efficiently, include as many details as possible, including the location and photos. Please avoid reporting something you heard from someone else, instead encourage the person to report it themselves.
To report something anonymously, call us on 02 6670 2400. If you report a problem without your correct contact details, we are unable to follow-up if we need further details and may not be able to investigate your request.
Live chat
Talk to one of our customer service team on live chat (on the bottom / right-hand side of our website).
Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm NSW time
(closed weekends and public holidays)
Do not use live chat:
- for technical enquiries (such as building and planning advice)
- if ID is needed (rates, water, bins or application enquiries)
- for urgent issues, such as animal attacks
- for urgent water or sewer issues (for example leaks and outages)
For any of the above call 02 6670 2400 as these enquiries cannot be resolved over live chat.
After hours
If you call outside business hours you will be forwarded to our after hours service. Alternatively, call 1800 818 326.
Our after hours service is for Council emergencies only:
- sewer blockages and overflows
- serious water supply issues (leaks, no supply, poor quality, unable to turn meter on/off)
- dog attacks
- pollution
- any issue that poses risk or immediate threat
If your enquiry is not urgent please call back during business hours or:
Call-back feature and number for outbound calls
Did you know we have a call-back feature to save you waiting on hold?
When you ring us, depending on our availability to answer the call quickly, you may be given the option to select a call back rather than waiting - your position in the queue is held and one of our Customer Service Officers will call you on the number you provide.
The number that will show up when we call is 02 6675 1000. This is different to the regular Council number as it's routed through the contact centre software we use. If you use our call back service regularly, you could save the number to your phone so you always know it's us.
Office locations and opening hours
- Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm NSW time
- Closed weekends and public holidays
Parking is available at both locations, please check signs.
Our offices are accessible including parking, ramps, lifts, hearing loops and height accessible counters.
Murwillumbah administration office
Civic and Cultural Centre
10-14 Tumbulgum Road
Murwillumbah NSW 2484
Tweed Heads administration office
Civic and Cultural Centre
Cnr Brett Street and Wharf Street
Tweed Heads NSW 2485
Postal address
Tweed Shire Council
PO Box 816
Murwillumbah NSW 2484
Customer experience and service standards
Our Service Experience Standards(PDF, 1MB) is the overarching document in our Customer Experience Framework. It sets the timeframes and service standards that customers can expect from all Council services.
Read more about customer experience and how we perform against our service standards.
ABN (Australian Business Number)
Tweed Shire Council's ABN is 90 178 732 496.