Business emergency recovery
Disaster support for small business

Tweed businesses impacted by natural disasters such as floods are advised there are a number of NSW Government support avenues available.
Storm and flood disaster small business recovery grants are available for businesses hit by floods.
In any circumstance, if your business has been impacted by flooding, it is crucial to take photos of damage as soon as it is safe to do so, as this will assist with future funding.
Personalised support for individual businesses is offered by Service NSW by calling 13 77 88, or by registering a call back at Business Concierge. Business Concierge support can assist businesses affected by flood or storm damage, bushfires and COVID -19.
Food businesses
Floodwater can be contaminated with sewage, agricultural and industrial waste, and other substances that can cause illness. There is a danger that any food, surfaces and cooking utensils that have come into contact with floodwater might be contaminated.
Things to remember:
- Spoiled or damaged food - discard food that might not be safe to eat or has come in contact with floodwater. Salvaging canned food for resale is not recommended.
- Keep it cold - if the power supply is out for more than 4 hours, food in fridges can spoil. If frozen foods have thawed, they should not be refrozen but should be kept cold and eaten as soon as possible.
- Cleaning - clean and sanitise surfaces and food utensils. Discard any cracked or damaged items including items made from porous material (wood, plastic, rubber) as they cannot be adequately sanitised.
- Drinking water - private water supplies (such as tanks, wells and bores) may not be safe to drink and use for cooking and cleaning and should be tested before using again. For businesses connected Council’s water supply, please monitor Council’s water supply advice on this website or call 02 6670 2400.
- Waste - please secure waste. Council’s waste contractor will reopen services as soon as possible.
- Electrical equipment - have electrical equipment that has been impacted by floodwater checked by a licensed electrician before use.
Further advice or assistance
Please contact Council’s Environmental Health Officers on 02 6670 2400. Find out more about food business permits and approvals.
During times of emergency, the Office of Emergency Management determines the need for and location of, Recovery Centres. The centres provide a one stop shop for affected residents, businesses and farmers to access recovery assistance from a range of agencies and organisations. For further information please see the Office of Emergency Management website
After an emergency passes, you will want to get your business back on its feet as quickly as possible. Please see What to do after an emergency for helpful information, tips and templates.
Telstra disaster relief assistance
Do you need advice or help about your phone service after an emergency? For residents and businesses affected by the flooding and other emergencies, Telstra are available to discuss connection options and access to relief packages.
For further information please see Telstra's website or phone 132 200.